
Rate Your Worry

A simple and effective worksheet designed to help children with their worries.

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Resource Info

A simple and effective worksheet designed to help children with their worries. This activities allows children to acknowledge their worries, asses the level of distress and encourages them to think of steps to reduce the worry.

About this resource:

Rate Your Worry provides a structured approach for children to address their worries and work towards easing them. By acknowledging and writing down their worry, they are already one step towards managing it.

Rate Your Worry helps children to regain a sense of control and find strategies that promote calmness. By helping children to reflect on a worry and develop a greater understanding of tools and techniques that help them.

Rate Your Worry is a valuable resource for parents, professionals, and teachers who want to support children in managing their worries. By using this worksheet, children can develop skills in recognising and addressing their worries, building resilience and supporting your child’s emotional well-being.


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