Worry Balloons
Worry Balloons is a wonderful therapeutic resource designed to help children manage and communicate their worries effectively.
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Resource Info
Worry Balloons is a wonderful therapeutic resource designed to help children manage and communicate their worries effectively. This resource consists of three large worry balloons and two small worry balloons, offering children a visual and interactive way to communicate and categorise their worries.
About this resource:
The Worry Balloons worksheet includes three large balloons and two small balloons. Children are encouraged to write their biggest and most persistent worries on the large balloons and the worries they think about less often on the small balloons. This activity allows children to externalise their worries and gain a better understanding of their concerns.
Worry Balloons provide numerous benefits for children dealing with worries and anxiety.
• Identify and relieve worries - By writing down their worries on the balloons, children can externalise and acknowledge their concerns, which can provide a sense of relief.
• Fun visualisation – children can releasing their worry balloons into the sky and visualise their worries floating away.
• Categorise worries: Categorising worries based on their significance helps children gain perspective and know which worries to tackle first.
• This resource also encourages open communication and dialogue with parents, professionals, or teachers, and helps you to facilitate an environment where children feel comfortable discussing thoughts and emotions.
Worry Balloons offers a tangible and interactive way for children to manage and express their worries. By addressing their concerns and initiating conversations about them, children can develop strategies for coping with anxiety and regain a sense of control over their thoughts.