
My Thought Control

Stop, pause or skip thoughts with our Thought Remote.

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Resource Info

Imagine a world where you could pause or skip your thoughts? Now you can help children visualise stopping unhelpful thoughts with our Thought Control!

What buttons would they like on their control? Perhaps a volume button to turn down their thoughts? - And increase those more helpful ones? They can use their control to temporarily stop their unhelpful thoughts until they are more equipped to deal with them or can find someone they trust to talk to.

About this resource:

My Thought Control is an engaging activity designed to help children manage and control their thoughts. With the help of our Thought Remote, children can visualise the ability to stop, pause, or skip unhelpful thoughts. This activity empowers children to imagine a world where they have control over their thoughts and introduces techniques to manage negative thinking patterns effectively.

• Visualisation Activity: My Thought Control allows children to visualise stopping unhelpful thoughts using their own customised Thought Remote. Children can imagine and then draw the buttons on their remote, such as a volume button to turn down negative thoughts or an off button to switch off their thoughts. This visualisation technique helps children gain a sense of control over their thoughts.
• Stop Negative Thinking: The activity aims to put a stop to negative thinking patterns by providing children with a practical technique to manage critical and intrusive thoughts that they can do from anywhere. By temporarily pausing or skipping intrusive or unhelpful thoughts, children can create space for more helpful and positive thoughts.
• Empowerment and Control: My Thought Control helps children feel in control of their thoughts and emotions. It encourages them to actively engage in managing their mental well-being and provides a tool to regain control during challenging moments.
• Creative and Expressive: Children can personalise their Thought Remote by colouring it in and adding their own buttons. This creative aspect enhances their engagement with the activity and helps them better visualise their control over their thoughts.


• Thought Management: My Thought Control introduces children to practical techniques for managing their thoughts, helping them develop skills to handle negative thinking patterns effectively.
• Empowerment and Emotional Regulation: By visualising and controlling their thoughts, children gain a sense of empowerment and enhance their emotional regulation skills.
• Creative Expression: The activity combines visualisation with creative expression, allowing children to engage their imagination and express themselves through colouring and design.
• Open Communication: My Thought Control can stimulate conversations between children, parents, professionals, and teachers about thought management, fostering open communication about mental well-being.

Target Audience: My Thought Control is suitable for children aged 5 to 11. It can be used by parents, professionals, and teachers in various settings, such as homes, schools, counselling sessions, or therapy activities.