
Fun and Mindful Circle Time Activities – 15 Printable Flashcards

Cut out our mindful Circle Time Activity Flashcards and keep to hand for when you need a quick, easy and calming circle time activity. These circle time activities incorporate grounding techniques, coping strategies and more, encouraging your children to engage their senses, bodies and minds.

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Circle time serves as a crucial component in early years and preschool development, providing a platform for children to enhance communication skills, forge connections, and build meaningful relationships. Beyond its developmental benefits, circle time is also a perfect way to introduce children to the concept of mindfulness and help them learn calming strategies they can take through life.

This downloadable activity pack features lots of fun ideas to make circle time a calming part of the day. From deep breathing to sit down yoga; simply print out, laminate (optional) and keep handy for when you need a go-to group calming exercise. We've also included some top tips on how to make circle time a positive and successful experience.

Download this set of 15 printable circle time activity cards now and incorporate into your daily routine.


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