Bad Word Boggle
Help to stop children swearing by playing bad word boggle and come up with silly words to replace the naughty ones!
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Resource Info
It’s inevitable, children will hear and pick up swearing at some point in their lives, whether it's in the playground or unintentionally at home, children can pick up 'bad words' absolutely anywhere.
We've created this activity to help children replace the bad words in their head with silly words instead.
Directions: Have them think of 16 letters to place in the grid, then ask them to come up with as many of the silliest sounding words they can. You can even replace your everyday swear words with some funny words your children made up too! This activity helps them learn that some words can upset others, but some can make people laugh - and which ones would they rather say?
• Children are encouraged to come up with silly words to replace the naughty ones, encouraging more positive and light-hearted language use.
• Children are provided with a 16-letter grid where they can place letters and create as many words as possible, promoting literacy skills and word formation.
• activity encourages children to think creatively and invent funny words, developing imagination and language exploration.
• By replacing swear words with silly and humorous alternatives, children learn the power of positive communication and how words can make others laugh instead of causing offense.
• The activity allows children to come up with their own unique words, adding a personal touch and encouraging individuality.
The activity serves as a fun and engaging tool to help children refrain from using swear words, promoting respectful and appropriate language use.
Parent and Teacher Support: This resource provides parents and teachers with a practical tool to address swearing behaviour and guide children towards more positive and respectful communication.
Overall, Bad Word Boggle helps children understand the impact of their words, promotes creative thinking, expands vocabulary, and supports positive communication. It is an effective resource for addressing swearing behaviour and encouraging a more respectful and light-hearted language use.