
7 Day Happiness Challenge – My Happiness Diary – FREE

This International Day of Happiness challenge your children to take part in our 7 Day Happiness Challenge - helping them to find moments of happiness in each day!

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7-Day Happiness Challenge: Celebrate Happy Moments Every Day!

Scientists from the University of Bristol have been researching the Science of Happiness since 2018 and have recently shared their '7 secrets to happiness.' One of these includes focusing on daily positive moments, this inspired us to create a challenge in celebration of World Happiness Day!

This challenge invites children to find moments of happiness in each day. Using our Happiness Diary, encourage your children to write down their happiest moment from each day. At the end of the week, ask children how this challenge made them feel and how they can work to build more daily happiness habits moving forward.

How to Participate:

  1. Download the Happiness Diary - Download our free Happiness Diary worksheet from our website and distribute amongst your children.
  2. Start the Challenge - Beginning on World Happiness Day, ask your children to commit to writing down one thing that made them happy each day. It can be at the end of the school day or in the evenings as they are winding down for bed.
  3. Write Down Happy Moments - Use the space provided in our printable Happiness Diary to jot down their happy moment. It could be something as simple as enjoying a delicious meal, spending time with a loved one, playing with their favourite toy or achieving a personal goal.
  4. Reflect and Appreciate - Take a moment to reflect on the happy moments each day and how this made them feel. At the end of the week, discuss how the results of the challenge and how they can continue to build on happy habits in each day!

The 7-Day Happiness Challenge is a powerful opportunity to cultivate gratitude, positivity, and well-being in your child's life. By participating in this challenge, you'll discover that happiness can be found in the simplest of moments, and that each day is filled with reasons to smile.


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