My Voice Matters At Home: 8 Ways To Help Your Child Feel Heard

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week 2024 and this year’s theme is a powerful theme of self-advocacy and self-expression. “My Voice Matters,” is all about helping children learn the importance of their own voices and opinions, whilst also encouraging us grown ups to listen up a bit more.

We understand the importance of empowering your child’s voice at home and how this can be beneficial to their mental health. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical tips and activities to create a supportive environment where your child feels heard, valued, and confident in expressing themselves.

Empowering Voices: A Guide for Parents During Children’s Mental Health Week

Helping children to express themselves and feel heard is important in building your child’s resilience, self-esteem and developing effective communication skills. There are many obvious and less obvious ways to help children feel heard at home, from something as simple as getting them involved in meal planning or making time to talk about our feelings and emotions; help your child feel empowered with our tips below.

1. Cultivate a Safe and Open Space

Encourage open and honest conversations with your child regularly. Create a safe space where they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and emotions. Actively listen without judgment, reinforcing the idea that their voice matters.

2. Collaborative Decision-Making

Involve your child in decision-making processes at home, whether it’s choosing activities, meals, what they want to wear that day or family plans. This not only empowers them but also instills a sense of responsibility and autonomy.

3. Expression Through Art

Provide art and craft supplies for your child to express themselves creatively. Whether through drawing, painting, or crafting, artistic activities can be a therapeutic outlet for emotions that may be challenging to verbalise.

4. Make Time to Talk About Your Day

Designate a special time where everyone can share experiences of their day – perhaps it’s sitting down for a meal or as you’re tucking them into bed. Talking about your day and discussing things you’ve learned or may try differently tomorrow helps children to feel their experiences are valid and builds a supportive environment.

5. Positive Affirmations

Incorporate positive affirmations into daily routines. Encourage your child to repeat affirmations that reinforce their strengths and capabilities. This simple practice contributes to building self-confidence.

6. Mindful Listening

Practice mindful listening by giving your child your full attention when they speak. This not only strengthens your bond but also communicates the importance of their voice being heard and valued.

7. Set Goals Together

Set achievable goals together with your child. This collaborative process not only empowers them to voice their aspirations but also teaches the importance of perseverance and planning. Perhaps you could make a family bucket list of all the things you wish to achieve, do or see together?

7. Use our Resources!

At Be Happy Resources we are passionate about helping children communicate their thoughts, worries and emotions. Our downloadable resources help your children to feel heard by encouraging them to communicate with you about their feelings on a regular basis, whilst supporting their mental health and helping them to build healthy coping mechanisms as they grow. We have more than 800 activities online waiting to be downloaded and used in your home!

This year’s Children’s Mental Health Week acts as a reminder for us all to value the little voices in our lives and make time to ensure their voices are heard and acted on. Children who feel listened to and who feel safe and supported to express their thoughts and opinions build invaluable skills in resilience, communication and much more.

By implementing these practical tips and activities, you’re creating a foundation for their mental well-being that will extend beyond this awareness week.

Want to support your child’s mental health at home? You can sign up and use our resources to help your child express themselves and their emotions from just £2.49!


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